Saturday, May 9, 2015


"The most important ideas or concepts of the understanding, again , prior to experience are "space"and "time ".
It means that time give people the peace of might they need to figure things out.Also, space give people time to reconnect back to the self and find who out what they want.I choose this quote because I know people who always ask for time and space for  when they're in a hard situation.So, I think everyone need some time for them-self to clear their mind.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

5/02 Junger 

"The human will disciplines and outfits this flesh with such painstaking care that it now seems more indifferent to injury. Today, we again are able to bear the sight of death with greater indifference, since we no longer feel at home in our body as we did before".

This passage basically mean what doesn't kill you make you stronger. He's  saying that whatever we are experiencing in this world is real. Instead of running away from problem, we have to stay strong and fight it. If we run away from problem, we will spend the rest of our life being afraid . We have to defend what is ours so we can set examples.I choose this quote because that is exactly what going on today, some people are committing suicide because they are not strong enough to fight to deal with whatever issue they're experiencing .